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- of the item is verified for duplicate values.
- Each item needs to have valid HSN code with at least 4 digits. That is, items of goods type should be 4 or 6 or 8 digits and items of service type should be 4 or 5 or 6 digits. HSN Code should be valid as per the GST master.
- If Is_Service is selected, then the HSN codes must belong to services.
- Each item should have valid Unit Quantity Code (UQC) as per the master codes, in case of goods.
- Quantity and Unit Quantity Code are mandatory for Goods and optional for Services.
- Tax rates are being validated. Only the allowed tax rates will be accepted.
- In case of intra-state transactions, the sum of SGST and CGST tax rates should be entered as GST Rate.
- In case of an inter-state transaction, the IGST tax rate and value has to be passed.
- In case of the export transaction, IGST tax rate and value has to be passed.
- In case the buyer is SEZ unit, then IGST tax rate and value has to be passed irrespective of the state of the buyer.
- The maximum number of items in each invoice should not exceed more than 1000 items.