API Version 1.01
Sandbox Release Date – 05/03/2020.
- API version number is part of the URL. Please Login into the portal to get the endpoints of the new version.
- Generate IRN request payload will be as per the latest schema published by GSTN.
- The response for ‘Generate IRN’ API will have additional attributes “EwbNo”,”EwbDt”, “EwbValidTill”
- The response JSON structure will be as follows.
- {
“Status”: “x”,
“Data”: <Encrypted Data>,
“ErrorDetails”:”<Errors JSON>”,
“InfoDtls”: “<alert message>”
} - “Status” will be ‘0’ for failure, ‘1’ for success, If success, “Data” will have values, if failure, “ErrorDetails” will have values. Any additional information will be provided through “InfoDtls” as follows.
- a) If the Generate IRN is called with the same document details more than once, the “InfoDtls” will have an object as follows.
“InfoDtls”: [{
“InfCd”: “DUPIRN”,
“Desc”: {
“AckNo”: 12100028671,
“AckDt”: “2020-02-29 14:51:00”,
“Irn”: “bc368ad93c9fa76a40167f2e16190dc56c93e6c0caf0d0a65c0a8317c9b19f4a”
8. b) If the Generate IRN request has details related to E Way Bill generation and if the E Way Bill could not be generated, the “InfoDtls” will have an object as follows.
“InfoDtls”: [{
“InfCd”: “EWBERR”,
“Desc”: [{
“ErrorCode”: “110”,
“ErrorMessage”: “Invalid Client-ID/Client-Secret”
9. c)
If any other information to be shared in response, the “InfoDtls” attribute will have the following object.
“InfoDtls”: [{
“InfCd”: “ADDNLNFO”,
“Desc”:“<Any information to be shared>”
10. New validations are being applied on the IRN generation. Consuming applications are supposed to prepare the payload as per the validations, server-side validations are being implemented in a phased manner.
11. Mapping of technical and JSON attribute names for IRN is provided.
12. API for generation of E Way Bill for a given IRN is being provided (will be operational from 15/03/2020).
13. Generation of E Way Bill as part of IRN registration will be operational from 15/03/2020.
14. GetGSTINDetails API is enabled.
15. “ErrorDetails” and the “InfoDtls” will be in plain text and not as Base64 encoded format as mentioned in earlier documentation.