Pre-Requisites and Connecting To The Application

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  • You should not use the navigation keys of browser (Back, Forward)
  • You should not use the Refresh option in the browser
  • You should not double click on the links/buttons in the Opti-Einvoice Inbound module.
  • If you see the “loading” indicator of the browser after you click something, please wait until it finishes loading. Opti-Einvoice Inbound works by constantly communicating with the SAP server, so sometimes it might take more time depending on the connection speed between Opti-Einvoice Inbound and SAP server at that instance. Any interruption may lead to data inconsistency in Opti-Einvoice Inbound.
  • If you are not using the application for more than 15 minutes, it is recommended to log out.
  • Activities in Opti-Einvoice Inbound are linked to user accounts, so user account should never be shared. If the same user account is used by more than one person at the same time, it may result in data inconsistency.
  • The invoice processing screen will be using your SAP ID and password to connect to SAP, so ensure that you always provide your updated SAP credentials in your user profile. Whenever the password changes, update it your profile as well, multiple attempts without correcting the password may lead to account lock in SAP.
  • Opti-Einvoice Inbound uses the latest technologies like HTML5 and CSS3, so it is strongly recommended that you use one of the latest browsers. If you use any of the outdated versions of browsers, some functionalities in Opti-Einvoice Inbound may not work properly.

Supported Browsers

Opti-Einvoice Inbound supports the latest versions of all common web browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc. However, the recommended browser is Google Chrome which provides the best support for the responsive layout of Opti-Einvoice Inbound UI.