E-invoice – Printing of Invoice / IRN / QR Code

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1.Can I print an e-invoice?

Yes. Once the IRP returns the signed JSON, your ERP/Accounting/Billing System it into PDF and printed if required.
Businesses who don’t have their own ERP/Accounting Software will be downloading and using the free offline utility (‘bulk generation tool’) to upload invoice data on the e-invoice portal and obtain signed invoices (in JSON). In this scenario also, there is a facility on the e-invoice portal to generate a ‘human-readable’ PDF copy of the invoice (for save/print/e – mail, etc.).

2.Do I need to print IRN on the invoice?

No. It’s optional. IRN is anyway embedded in the QR Code which is one of the mandatory particulars on the invoice.

3.How will the QR Code be received?

The QR code is part of signed JSON, returned by the IRP. It is a string (not image), which the ERP/accounting/billing software shall read and convert into QR Code image for placing on the invoice copy.