Docs not available for e-invoicing
Clarification / Workaround / Solution – If this is encountered during the first execution at the time of go-live, please inform Innoval Team (Innoval team to verify if all configurations are moved to Production, and also if the cut-off date is correctly maintained)
Root cause – Config
Clarification / Workaround / Solution – In the cockpit, Click on the “Change” button on the left side and verify the selection-screen inputs; tick the relevant check-boxes. If required, input/change the comp code, plant(s), business place(s), Sales org, date range, and re-execute
If OptiE-Invoice is configured to display output based on SAP user-id, please note that the documents displayed in the cockpit are based on the user id of the person who created the document in SAP
Root cause – Usage
Clarification / Workaround / Solution – Verify the status report is the IRN is already generated/cancelled for this document (If IRN is already generated or cancelled, it would not be displayed in the pending document list in cockpit)
From the cockpit, Click on More –> E-Invoice Status Report
(OR) Click on E-Invoice –> E-invoice status
If issue persists (doc not seen in status report / cockpit), please proceed as below:
Verify if the document comes under B2C (B2C documents would not be displayed under cockpit). The identification of B2C is based on Customer Tax classification and/or GSTIN number in customer master for the relevant partner function. Please check with the Core user/manager in your organization or with Innoval team on how B2C is mapped in OptiE-invoice
If the billing document is known, please run Tcode VF03 for the document, and re-check the comp code, plant, user-id, cancellation status, document creation date and billing date.
If document is not in cancelled status and is relevant for e-invoicing (Eg: not B2C), re-check the selection inputs in the cockpit if it pertains to the given billing document (refer D.2.2 above)
Note: The cockpit selection is not based on billing date but it is based on doc creation date.
Eg: If a document is created on 2nd of Dec with billing date as 30th Nov, the cockpit selection-screen input should be given till 2nd Dec to fetch the document correctly
If there are multiple billing documents and it is not easy to verify each document using VF03, execute TCode /n/IVLD/EINV_VERIFY, and enter the comp code and billing date range, choose the second radio-button “Verify docs for E-inv mapping” and execute.
In the output, you can view the list of all billing docs for the range.
Verify the status of
Root cause – Config / Usage