API Version 1.01

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Sandbox Release Date – 05/03/2020.

  1. API version number is part of the URL. Please Login into the portal to get the endpoints of the new version.
  2. Generate IRN request payload will be as per the latest schema published by GSTN.
  3. The response for ‘Generate IRN’ API will have additional attributes “EwbNo”,”EwbDt”, “EwbValidTill”
  4. The response JSON structure will be as follows.
  5. {
    “Status”: “x”,
     “Data”: <Encrypted Data>,
    “ErrorDetails”:”<Errors JSON>”,
    “InfoDtls”: “<alert message>”
  6. “Status” will be ‘0’ for failure, ‘1’ for success, If success, “Data” will have values, if failure, “ErrorDetails” will have values. Any additional information will be provided through “InfoDtls” as follows.
  7. a) If the Generate IRN is called with the same document details more than once, the “InfoDtls” will have an object as follows.

“InfoDtls”: [{
“InfCd”: “DUPIRN”,
“Desc”: {
“AckNo”: 12100028671,
“AckDt”: “2020-02-29 14:51:00”,
“Irn”: “bc368ad93c9fa76a40167f2e16190dc56c93e6c0caf0d0a65c0a8317c9b19f4a”

8. b) If the Generate IRN request has details related to E Way Bill generation and if the E Way Bill could not be generated, the “InfoDtls” will have an object as follows.

“InfoDtls”: [{
“InfCd”: “EWBERR”,
“Desc”: [{
“ErrorCode”: “110”,
“ErrorMessage”: “Invalid Client-ID/Client-Secret”

9. c)

If any other information to be shared in response, the “InfoDtls” attribute will have the following object.
“InfoDtls”: [{
“InfCd”: “ADDNLNFO”,
“Desc”:“<Any information to be shared>”

10. New validations are being applied on the IRN generation. Consuming applications are supposed to prepare the payload as per the validations, server-side validations are being implemented in a phased manner.

11. Mapping of technical and JSON attribute names for IRN is provided.

12. API for generation of E Way Bill for a given IRN is being provided (will be operational from 15/03/2020).

13. Generation of E Way Bill as part of IRN registration will be operational from 15/03/2020.

14. GetGSTINDetails API is enabled.

15. “ErrorDetails” and the “InfoDtls” will be in plain text and not as Base64 encoded format as mentioned in earlier documentation.